Sugar Cakes

by Laura on January 28, 2011

I first made these big, delicate sugar cookies for a candidate meet-and-greet a few years ago.  The event was a success, but from the cookies’ perspective it was kind of a disaster.  My wonderfully feisty friend Bonnie had asked if I would make some cookies for the event, so I made ten kinds.  I delivered the cookies early in the day and came back toward the end of the event.  There sat the enormous cookie tray, as big as a wagon wheel, virtually untouched.  I was happy that the political chatter was so engaging that they had gone unnoticed, but I was a little disappointed for the cookies’ sake.  As I began packing them all up, a few people asked about them—first about where I had bought them, and then about how I had gotten them to look so perfect  It’s that kind of recipe.  And they are rather perfect looking—perfectly round, perfectly puffed and sugared, and pretty in a prim way with their dainty little raisin.  Among the ten kinds I made, these were a standout.   They are a truly soft sugar cookie, with just a little crackle from their sugar tops, the slightest toasty edge, and a lovely flavor with plenty of vanilla, a hint of bright lemon zest, and rich sour cream.  I shared these with my Kaffeeklatch this afterrnoon.  Make them, share them—or keep them for yourself—and add them to your list of keepers.

Music for baking sugar cakes
Where the Earth is Round by Minnesota native Ann Reed

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Kris Jacobson February 8, 2011 at 11:00 am

I got to eat one. Delightful.

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